Jumat, 30 Mei 2008


PT. Mastersystem Infotama
Alamat: Wisma Nugra Santana lt.6 Jl. Jend. Sudirman kav.7-8 Jakarta
Pusat 10220 Indonesia

Deskripsi Perusahaan:
IT Solution & System Integration

Lowongan Kerja:Checker

Deskripsi Pekerjaan
1.Laki-Laki pendidikan min D1
2.Usia max.35 tahun

Job Description:
1.Memonitor dan membuat pelaporan mengenai stock barang
2.Membuat laporan harian dan mengecek kelengkapan DO yang sudah
3.menjaga kebersihan dan mengatur barang keluar masuk di gudang

Bagi Anda yg Berminat Dan Memenuhi kriteria diatas dapat mengirimkan
surat lamaran,CV,Nomor telepon yg dapat dihubungi dan pasphoto
terakhir ke : recruitment@ mastersystem. co.id

Tanggal Tayang: 05/29/2008
Pendidikan: Diploma - Fresh/Entry Level (0-2 years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Status Pekerjaan: Permanent Position
Gaji yang ditawarkan: NEGOTIABLE
Tanggal Penutupan: 1/8/08

Business Administration Staff

PT Mitra Copierindo Mandiri
Alamat: JL. CIDENG TIMUR NO.40 Indonesia

Deskripsi Perusahaan:
Bidang Penjualan dan Rental Mesin Photocopy

Lowongan Kerja:Business Administration Staff

Deskripsi Pekerjaan
We invite you, young and dynamic people with high motivation to fill
position as:Business Administration Staff

.Have good communication/ presentation skills
.High motivation

We offer competitive compensation package and excellent career
opportunities for accepted applicants.

Please submit your application letter, a cpmcose resume and
photograph to the email address:hrd999@yahoo. com

Tanggal Tayang: 05/29/2008
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Tanggal Penutupan: 06/17/2008

Web/Database Designer

Alamat: Blvd Artha Gading, Rukan Artha Gading Niaga B-34 Jakarta
Utara 14240 Indonesia

Deskripsi Perusahaan:
The main focus of the company is on the promotion and advertising industry.
Abindo is a startup company and is established in mid 2008.

Lowongan Kerja:Web/Database Designer

Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Perusahaan kami sedang membutuhkan seseorang orang dengan
kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
- Umur dibawah 30 tahun.
- Menguasai Dreamweaver dan Photoshop.
- Diutamakan yg menguasai PHP, MySQL dan Apache.

Silahkan anda kirimkan resume/CV dan foto terbaru anda ke alamat:
PT Abindo
Blvd Artha Gading, Rukan Artha Gading Niaga B-34
Jakarta Utara, 14240

Tanggal Tayang: 05/29/2008
Pendidikan: SMU/SMEA/STM - Advanced Career (10+ years)
Lokasi: Jakarta / Indonesia
Tanggal Penutupan: 07/20/2008

Senin, 26 Mei 2008

Accounting Officer

PT. SMART Tbk. is a large and established group and major world player in agro-related industries and consumer goods under the umbrella of SINAR MAS GROUP - one of well establish conglomerate in Indonesia.
PT. SMART Tbk. ia an integrated palm-based consumer company that have owns and manages plantations, mills and refineries which manufacturated branded and unbranded cooking oil, branded margarine, fats and shortening. SMART's products are divided into three catagories : Retail, Industrial and Bulk.
We have a large oil palm plantations at Sumatera, Kalimantan , Papua, and our refineries located in Surabaya (Kawasan Rungkut Industri) & Medan (Belawan).
Our retail products are designed for household consumption. Whereas Industrial products are aimed at supplying noodle factories, confection factories, bakeries, fast food chains, hotels, hospitals, restaurant, and so forth.
The latter catagory fetches the premium gross margin as customer requirements are tailor-made to specifications.
The branded products cater not only for local but also for international consumption. Finally, bulk products are unbranded and unpacked goods targeted for mass consumption.
Whilst for our upstream operation, we implement an on-going plantation expansion program and concurrently replanting the old or less productive trees. The integrated structure within the company has ensured good quality and steady supply of raw material - CPO for its products requirement at competitive cost.
The company has embarked into an extensive research and development program both at refineries and at plantation areas to optimize the plantation output in order to cope with the growing demand of our products.

Accounting Officer (AO) - Jakarta

*. Male / Female max 27

*. Bachelor degree (S1) in Accounting from reputable university

*. Having experience (2 years) at the same position

*. Good in English (written and oral)

*. Able to speak mandarin (or Chinese dialect) - min. passive would be an advantageous

*. Able to work with minimum supervision

*. Able to work with as a team or individually
*. Job Location : Jakarta

Send your CV with latest photograph to (Position Code on the e mail subject): hrdref@smart- tbk.com

Please note Position code on e mail Subject

Lowongan @ TVOne

tvOne membuka kesempatan bagi anda untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut :



>Atraktif dan Komunikatif



>Dapat beradaptasi dengan baik

>Min. Tinggi 170 CM (Pria) dan 165 CM (Wanita)



>3-5 Tahun pengalaman sebagai Creative Director / Assistant Creative Director

>Memiliki kemampuan menulis dengan berbagai macam konsep

>Tertarik dengan dunia desain

Kualifikasi Umum:

1. S1 dengan usia maksimum 24 tahun (posisi 1 dan 2)

2. Min IPK 3.00 (posisi 1 dan 2)


4. Memiliki kemampuan baik dalam Bahasa Inggris

5. Dapat bekerja dalam tim

6. Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani

Kirim CV disertai pas photo berwarna terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar.
Tulis KODE POSISI di kiri atas amplop ke alamat dibawah ini :


Untuk informasi lebih lengkap hubungi :
HRD DEPARTMENT (021) 461 35 45


PROGRAMMER PHP (Urgently Required)

Perusahaan Furniture merek Pro Design, membutuhkan tenaga web-base programmer
berbasis PHP untuk aplikasi ERP, dengan penempatan di kantor Gresik atau Surabaya,
gaji s.d. 3 juta/bulan, dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

1. Menguasai HTML, Javascript, dan CSS
2. Menguasai pemrograman PHP (dasar, session, frame work (OOP), dll)
3. Menguasai database MySQL (koneksi, query, transact SQL, dll dariPHP)
4. Menguasai XAJAX
5. Minimal D3, Fresh graduate are welcome
6. Bisa bekerja dalam Team
7. Kreatif
8. Dapat bekerja sesuai dengan target
9. Bisa berbahasa Inggris minimal pasif

Kirim Surat Lamaran, foto terbaru, dan CV ke alamat email praja@rackindo.com,
ditunggu sampai dengan tanggal 30 mei 2008. Kami hanya mengundang kandidat yang
memenuhi syarat.

Praja Wibisono Pimpro ERP
PT. Putera Rackindo Sejahtera
Jl. Segoro Madu II No. 3 Gresik
Website: http://www.puterarackindo.co.id
Email: praja@rackindo.com

Lowongan @ PT. Dawee Electronic

PT. Dawee Electronic Indonesia salah satu perusahaan industri saat ini membutuhkan tenaga profesional muda yang akan ditempatkan pada posisi
Kualifikasi :
a.) Laki-laki
b.) Umur Max.35
b.) Menguasai JIG & Fixture
c.) Mengerti Tooling Dies
d.) Penalaman Di Bid. Engineering 1th
Lamaran di kirim ke alamat email jobit@dawee. co.id, paling lambat 4 minggu.

Jumat, 16 Mei 2008

Operator Data Entry

Di butuhkan SEGERA beberapa karyawan untuk operator data entry,

1. Pria/Wanita.
2. 20 - 27 th.
3. Menguasai data base (SQL/Toad).
4. Bersedia melakukan perjalanan luar daerah.
5. Fresh Graduate Are Wellcome.

Kirim Lamaran Lengkap ke:

1. johanabbas@yahoo. com
2. sdm@dotindo. com (250kb max)
0815 8681 2474

Next Interview:
Saturday, 17 Mei 2008

Lowongan @ Hoka-Hoka Bento

Hokben, banyak orang menyebut kami dengan panggilan akrab seperti itu.
Kami senang-senang saja karena dengan begitu kami tahu, kami dekat di
hati pelanggan.
A. STORE MANAGER ( SM )1.Pria/Wanita usia maks. 35 th2.Pendidikan
min.D3 semua jurusan3.Pengalaman sebagai Store Manager pada industri
restoran min. 2 tahun4.Memiliki service attitude yang baik, leadership
yang kuat serta mampu mengelola karyawan mencapai target(result
oriented)5.Bersedia bekerja dengan sistem shift & hari libur6.Bersedia
ditempatkan diseluruh cabang HOKBEN

B. STORE SUPERVISOR ( SPV ) 1.Pria / Wanita, usia maks. 28 th
2.Pendidikan min. D3 semua jurusan, IPK min. 2,75 (Fresh Graduate)
3.Berpangalaman menarik dan memiliki service attitude yang baik
4.Memiliki leadership yang kuat dan mampu mengelola karyawan dalam
mencapai target 5.Memiliki inisiatif, mau bekerja keras, tanggung jawab
dan result oriented 6.Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh cabang HOKBEN &
Sistem Kerja shift

C. LOCAL MARKETING COORDINATOR ( LMC ) 1.Pria usia maks. 35 th
2.Memiliki kemampuan yang kuat untuk berpikir secara konseptual &
analitis 3.Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan & jadwal yang padat 4.Memiliki
kemampuan komunikasi, persuasif & memiliki motivasi berprestasi yang
tinggi 5.Memiliki pengalaman min. 2 th dibidang sales & marketing
6.Mampu menyusun konsep promosi & implementasi dari program Marketing

D. HR STAFF ( HRS ) 1.Pria/Wanita, maks. 32 th 2.Pendidikan Psikilog
atau S2 Psikologi industri & Organisasi 3.Memiliki pengalaman di bidang
kompetensi, performance appraisal & dapat melakukan assesment 4.Mampu
menganalisa hasil psikotest 5.Memiliki pengalaman organisasi 6.Memiliki
leadership yang kuat & dapat bekerja sama dalam team 7.Memiliki
inisiatif, mau bekerja keras, bertanggung jawab & result oriented

E. ANALIS DATA ( AD )/AUDITOR ( AU ) 1.Pria / Wanita, 23-30 th
2.Pendidikan S1 Teknik Pangan/Industri (AU) 3.Pendidikan S1
Matematika / Statistik ( AD ) 4.Pengalaman min.1 th sebagai Data Analis
( AD) 5.Berbadan sehat, berpenampilan menarik dan komunikatif 6.Mampu
bekerja secara tim

F. ACCOUNTING ( ACC ) 1.Pria / Wanita, single, maks. 30th 2.Pendidikan
min. SMA (experience) /D3 Akuntan 3.Pengalaman dibidang Perpajakan min.
1th 4.Menguasai Brevet A & B 5.Menguasai komputer & Linux, serta
bekerja secara tim

Kirimkan lamaran lengkap beserta CV dan foto Anda
ke :Recruit@hokahokaben to.co.id/PO BOX 8352 JKT 12083

Posting oleh moderator ke Lowongan Kerja pada 5/15/2008 05:52:00 PM

IT Supervisor

Dibutuhkan segera IT Supervisor dengan persyaratan sbb:

- Pria usia maksimal 30th
- Pendidikan S1 / D3 Computer
- Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun pada perusahaan dagang/distribusi
- Menguasai administrasi Windows 2003, Linux
- Berpengalaman dlm implementasi aplikasi accounting
- Troubleshooting untuk hardware, software & networking
- Domisili di Jabodetabek
- Mempunyai SIM C

Segera kirimkan lamaran + cv (dlm format pdf) dan photo terbaru disertai
salary yang diharapkan ke:
didi.sutadi@ gmail.com .

Rabu, 14 Mei 2008

Call Center Officer

Kami membutuhkan pegawai yang handal untuk bekerja di perusahaan
penerbangan nasional terkemuka di Indonesia sebagai:
Call Center Officer

Lokasi Kerja: Jakarta Barat

•Umur maksimal 27 tahun.
•Pendidikan minimal D3 (tamat)
•IPK minimal 2.75
•Bisa berbahasa Inggris
•Bisa menggunakan komputer dengan baik
•Bersedia bekerja shift malam
•Memiliki kualitas suara yang baik/aritikulasi jelas
•Memiliki motivasi kerja yang tinggi
•Sehat jasmani dan rohani (memberikan Surat Keterangan Dokter)

Kirimkan CV lengkap kepada:
PT. Prima Delapan Systemindo (Prides),
Jl. Kuningan Barat Raya No. 7, Gedung Atlantica lantai dasar,
Jakarta Selatan
(depan Kantor BATAN, dibelakang YTKI)

Atau melalui E-mail: cjaya@hotmail. com

Pelamar yang terpilih akan dihubungi.

Programmer & System Analyst

We are an outsourcing company seeking professional candidate to fill below position:


  • Male, age max 28 years old
  • Education min S1 degree from reputable university
  • Experience in Java programming 1-2 years
  • Familiar using Oracle database (SQL, PL/SQL)
  • Familiar using UNIX environment
  • High expertise on Java J2EE development platform
  • Fluent in English (both oral and written)
  • Computer Literature

System Analyst

  • Male, age max 37 years old
  • Education min S1 degree from reputable university
  • Experience in Java Programming 3-5 years
  • Understanding of banking knowledge is preferable - especially for central bank (BI) reporting
  • Familiar using Oracle database (SQL, PL/SQL)
  • Familiar using UNIX environment
  • High expertise on Java J2EE development platform
  • Fluent in English (both oral and written)
  • Computer Literature

Please send your CV and photograph to:
PT. Prismas Jamintara
Plaza DM 6th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 25
Jakarta 12920

Attn : Ms. Anggi Hakiki
Email : anggi.hakiki@ prismas.co. id
Telp : (021) 5229916 - 21


Sebuah perusahaan produsen beton terbesar di Jawa Barat membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk ditempatkan sebagai :


Kualifikasi :

· Pendidikan S1, jurusan Akuntansi atau Administrasi Keuangan/ Niaga ( UNPAR, Maranatha, STIE Widyatama )

· IPK Minimal 2, 75.

· Diutamakan berpengalaman di bidangnya minimal 1 (satu) tahun.

· Mampu menulis laporan pemeriksaan internal audit.

· Menguasai komputer berbasis Windows.

· Wanita, usia max. 28 tahun

Kirimkan lamaran lengkap beserta nomor telepon Anda dengan kode disudut kiri atas amplop disertai Pasfoto 4x6 (1 lembar) ditujukan kepada :


PO.BOX. 349

CIMAHI 40561


by email to :

diah@beton.co. id

MIS Staff

MIS Staff (Code: MIS)
¡¤ Male / Female
¡¤ Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor ' s Degree in Informatics, Computerized Accounting, or Information System GPA ¡Ý 2,75
¡¤ Fresh graduates are welcome, otherwise work experience as MIS will be an advantage.
¡¤ Accounting knowledge is a must
¡¤ Programming knowledge is a must
¡¤ Database (SQL) server knowledge is a must
¡¤ Experience using Ms. Dynamics Axapta is an advantage
¡¤ Good command in English
Interested candidates are required to send the application letter together with CV and recent photograph, not later than 2 (two) weeks to: hrd@ptadaro. com. Please put the position code as your email subject. Only sort listed candidates will be process.

Selasa, 06 Mei 2008

Mekanik Motor

Kami membutuhkan 2 orang mekanik motor, dengan kualifikasi sbb :

1. Pria, berbadan sehat
2. Berpengalaman bekerja sebagai mekanik motor
3. Jujur dan bertanggung jawab
4. Domisili Jakarta dan Bogor

Peminat yang serius silahkan menghubungi :
Penempatan di Bogor : 08881360483, 02192505103
Penempatan di Jakarta : 08158827163, 081218197130


An established major international Oil and Gas Contractor in Indonesia has immediate opening employment for:


1. Age minimum 30
2. Good in English
3. Having 3 years experience in same position
4. Those who are not working is priority

1. Responsible for hiring process (from recruitment, selection until probation period)
2. Manage contract employee administration
3. Coordinate training activities and employee performance assessment administration.
4. Ensuring HR services including recruitment, compensation and benefit, employee relation for supporting product services line operation.

Please send your current CV and Photograph to mail@erocopetronesi a.com

All applications will be treated confidentially, and only short listed candidates will be notified.

mMore Jobs

People Development Agency
is a Human Resources Consultant Company located in Jakarta is in positions to offer services to any issues in Human Resources.
One of our client is a Lifestyle Industry , located in Jakarta and has many outlet through out Indonesia , is urgently looking for energetic, and highly motivated professionals to join their team as :
Finance & Accounting Assistant Manager/Supervisor (PDA-107)
  1. Male/Female, maximum 30 years old
  2. Bachelor degree from Economy/Accounting or any other related field
  3. Have at least 5 years experience in Finance & Accounting
  4. Proficiency in English is a must
  5. Good presentation skill
  6. Though and able to work under pressure
Human Resources Supervisor (PDA-108)
1. Male or Female, maximum 30 years old
2. Bachelor degree from Human Resource or any other related field
3. Have at least 5 years experience in Human Resources especially in Recruitment and Training
4. Good communication and interpersonal skills
5. Proficiency in English is a must
6. Attractive appearance and sociable
Sales Supervisor (PDA-109)
1. Male/Female, maximum 28 years old
2. Diploma degree from any discipline
3. Have at least 3 years experience in the same field
4. Good communication, attractive appearance and interpersonal skill
5. Proficiency in English (understand Mandarin active/passive is preferable)
Graphic Designer (PDA-110)
1. Male/Female, maximum 28 years old
  1. Bachelor degree Graphic Design or Industrial Technology from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) or other reputable university
3. Have at least 2 years experience in the same field
4. Proficiency in English
Jewelry Designer (PDA-111)
  1. Male/Female, maximum 30 years old
  2. Bachelor degree from Jewelry Design
  3. Have at least 2 years experience in the same field
  4. Proficiency in English
Receptionist (PDA-112)
  1. Female, maximum 28 years old
  2. Diploma degree from any discipline
  3. Good communication skill and persuasive
  4. Proficiency in English
  5. Pleasant personality and attractive appearance
  6. Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
Guest Relation Officer (PDA-113)
  1. Female, maximum 28 years old
  2. Diploma degree from any discipline
  3. Have at least 2 years experience in the same field
  4. Good communication and interpersonal skill
  5. Proficiency in English
  6. Pleasant personality and attractive appearance
  7. Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply
Please email your application letter, detailed CV (include detail job desc), and recent photograph (Ms.Word format, Max 100Kb) to :
Reference code of position must be written on the email subject. For example (yourname-PDA 107)

Senin, 05 Mei 2008

Engineering Fisika

Dibutuhkan segera beberapa orang lulusan fisika instrumentasi untuk pekerjaan dalam bidang:

R&D – Engineering (R & D)


Laki-laki atau wanita
Lulusan minimal D3/Politeknik atau S1.
IPK min 2,50
Bahasa inggris (minimal pasif)
Mencintai bidangnya, dan ingin bekerja pada bidangnya
Memiliki jiwa wirausaha dan cepat mempelajari hal-hal yang baru
Hobi membaca dan menulis
Bersedia kerja lembur
Diutamakan bagi yang berdomisili di Jakarta dan sekitarnya

Kirimkan surat lamaran, curriculum vitae, pas photo 3x4 sebanyak 1 lembar, dengan mencantumkan kode lamaran di amplop lamaran kepada:

Manajer Personalia
Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi No. 22B
Jakarta 13430 – Indonesia
Atau email: HRD@testindo. com

Lowongan @ PT. Karya Buana Sejatera

PT. Karya Buana Sejatera merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak
dalam bidang pembangunan gedung-gedung perkantoran. Sekarang kantor
kami ingin membuka cabang baru di kota besar di seluruh Indonesia dan
kantor representatif kami beralokasi di Jakarta. Saat ini perusahaan
kami membuka kesempatan berkarir bagi para tenaga profesional muda dan
bermotivasitinggi untuk posisi sebagai :

Persyaratan minimum :
- Pria/Wanita usia maksimal 45 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal S1
- Teliti, dapat bekerja dengan rapi
- Memehami dasar-dasar financing
- Dapat mengopersikan komputer (minimal MS Office)
- Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris lebih diutamakan
- Berpengalaman dalam bidang properti nilai lebih.

Persyaratan minimum :
- Pria/Wanita usia maksimal 45 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal Diploma - Teliti dapat bekerja dengan rapi
- Berpenampilan rapi, tepat waktu dan bertanggung jawab
- Kemampuan team management & leadership yang baik
- Kemampuan komunikasi yang lancar
- Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris diutamakan
- Berpengalaman dalam bidang properti nilai lebih

Persyaratan minimum :
- Pria/Wanita maksimal 45 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal Diploma
- Dapat mengopersikan komputer (minimal MS Office)
- Kemempuan komunikasi yang lancar
- Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris atau bahasa Mandarin lebih diutamakan
- Berpengalaman dalam bidfang properti nilai lebih

Persyaratan minimum :
- Pria/Wanita maksimal 45 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal SMU
- Teliti dapat bekerja dengan teliti
- Dapat mengopersikan komputer (minimal MS Office)
- Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris diutamakan
- Dapat bekerja dengan baik secara individu

Kirimkan aplikasi lamaran dan daftar riwayat hidup terbaru, disertai
pas foto, tertuju kepada:

E-mail : div.kbshrd_rect@ yahoo.com



Sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Teknologi Informasi yang
sedang berkembang yang berlokasi di Jakarta Timur dan Lampung
membutuhkan beberapa karyawan untuk ditempatkan pada posisi Technical

Adapun syarat-syarat yang dibutuhkan adalah :
* Pria (Lajang)
* Umur max 28 tahun
* Mempunyai kendaraan bermotor
* Tidak takut ketinggian (karena bagian utama dari jobdesc)
* Menguasai konsep radio wireless
* Diutamakan yang sudah terbiasa dengan Radio mikrotik
* Menguasai TCP/IP
* Energic
* Dapat bekerjasama dengan team

Bagi yang berminat, silahkan kirimkan lamaran anda berikut pas foto
ukuran 4 x 6 ke hrd@intikom. net dengan
menuliskan pada Subject Lamaran :
1. Technical Support Jakarta (untuk yg berminat di wilayah Jakarta)
2. Technical Support Lampung (untuk yg berminat di wilayah Lampung)

NB. lamaran berlaku untuk 15 hari kedepan sejak diterbitkan lowongan ini


Greetings from Finna Golf & Country Club Resort!
A Different Picture of Paradise Everyday...
The Beauty of Nature, The Heritage of Golf
Finna Golf & Country Club Resort has been created to give its Members and Guests the finest golf and family oriented resort club in Indonesia . The Resort was meticulously planned to combine a world class mountain ambiance with a truly outstanding championship 18-hole golf course.
The Resort provides first class management, attentive service, excellent dining and sports, and a host of activities specially focused on golf, tennis and leisure for Members, Guests and their family
Urgently required a qualified candidate to join our team:
  • Male/ Female
  • Max. 35 years of age
  • Good appearance
  • Bachelor or Diploma degree in Hospitality / Tourism Management, at least 2 years experiences with proven track record in Sales and Marketing Department
  • Outstanding leadership qualities and effective written & verbal communication skills
  • Fluent in English, both, oral and written
  • Fluent in another foreign language will be an advantage
Please send your comprehensive resume, expected salary, and recent photograph to:
agm@finnagolf. com
. com
Finna Golf & Country Club Resort
Jl. Raya Barsari, Prigen, Pasuruan

Jumat, 02 Mei 2008

Jobs @ Indo.com

Indo.com – the online site where people look and book great hotels at great discounts – is looking for “a few great people” with integrity, independence, teamwork, and service attitude:

Web Designer (job code: WGD):
Design/build/update web sites/complete portals.
Requirements: Dipl/BS in WebDesign/CS/CE from good univ/academy; 2+ years experience; good design taste, can translate ideas/concepts into visuals/web pages; can use design tools (dreamweaver, photoshop,etc); understand web standards (html, css); can present/write reports.
Big plus: script programming (js/php); wow portfolio.

Web Developer/Software Engineer (job code: WSE):
Design/develop/debug/test/install/troubleshoot Internet-based applications.
Requirements: Fresh grad BS in CS / other IT fields or 2+ years experience; can program in C/C++ / Java / Perl / PHP/ internet programming; can read/learn from/write manuals/documentation.
Big plus: OO, SQL queries, system analysis & design, modular programming & integration, OS/networking interfaces.

Linux SysAdmin (job code: LSA):
Maintain, support & troubleshoot Linux servers+clients & Internet connection, including installing apps, maintain & review logs, back up, etc. Requirements: BS in IT or 2+ years experience; solid Linux & open-source apps skills, including TCP/IP, MySQL, Apache installation, troubleshooting & management; shell scripts.

Journalist (job code: JRLW):
Gather/keep updated info from various sources/manage website editorial activities/produce articles.
Requirements: Fresh Dipl/BS or 1+ years experience as a reporter/correspondent; fluent in English, both writing & speaking; strong personality, persistent, organizational skills – attention to detail – disciplined & right attitude to work within this demanding industry sectors; able to work in team with min supervising and has initiative to improve the job.

Sales & Marketing Officer (job code: SMO):
Develop leads & presentation, pitch, and close sales of indo.com products & services. Requirements: BA/BS or 2+ years experience in sales/marketing; strong salesmanship; technology friendly; Plus: network in tourism/hotel industry.

Travel Consultant Officer – Product Development (job code: TCO-PD):
Handle vendor/supplier management & relationship; pricing competitiveness; oversee database management; satisfaction & service quality standard; provide feedback for improvements. Requirements: Dipl/BA/BS from Tourism Academy or 2+ year experience in product development; good salesmanship; strong personality & friendly; tough and hard worker, able to work in team with minimum supervising and has initiative to improve the job.

Please send or email (in MS Word format with subject job code) your full resume to: Human Resource Department, Indo.com. Email: jobs.indo.com@gmail.com / Fax: (021) 751-3637